For anyone who’s just had braces put on, plenty of questions immediately pop up. A common one is, can you get your teeth clean with braces? The short answer: Yes!
The long answer: Not only CAN you get your teeth cleaned with braces, but you SHOULD also aim for the best possible dental cleaning with braces, as they pose unique challenges to overall oral health.
Once you’re aware of what you need to do, the next concern is understanding braces cleaning and how to do it properly.
The Super Dentists offer comprehensive, all-in-one orthodontic care for all of our patients, which includes regularly scheduled teeth cleanings.
With so many questions on dental cleaning with braces, we thought it would be a good idea to create this article to answer all of your questions such as, “Can you get a teeth cleaning with braces?”
Cleaning Teeth with Braces
Can you get your teeth clean with braces? Yes – and it’s imperative that you do. Two big factors illustrate the importance of dental cleaning with braces:
Time. How long do braces take? Some people can have braces on for 2 years or even longer. With a minimum time of 6 months, that’s plenty of time for plaque and tartar buildup. Over the course of 6 months – 2 years, regular cleanings are highly recommended.
The plaque factor. As mentioned briefly above, plaque and tartar love to hide near each tooth’s brace mount, and under the wires and bands. Without a disciplined care regimen (at home and at The Super Dentists), cavities will eventually surface. Some people think you can’t get your teeth clean with braces, but you can – and we’ll show you how below!
How Braces Can Make Teeth Cleaning More Challenging
While the whole point of wearing braces is to improve your teeth and gums, they can present a unique set of challenges.
With braces, brushing and flossing require more time and effort to properly clean around each bracket, wire, and band.
Food and plaque can easily get trapped around orthodontic appliances, putting you at increased risk for things like gum inflammation, cavities, discolored teeth, and bad breath if you’re not diligent with cleaning.
It’s important that you adjust your brushing habits by brushing at a 45-degree angle to remove debris from around the braces. Curved or circular brushes can make it easier to access these areas and ensure you get a nice deep cleaning with your braces.
How Often to Get Teeth Cleaned with Braces
Can you get your teeth clean with braces? Well, it can be difficult to get a truly thorough cleaning by yourself, so The Super Dentists recommend visiting one of our offices at least 2-3 times per year for a dental cleaning.
Other patients may require more cleanings, depending on things like a hereditary propensity for cavities, how well they take care of their teeth at home, and other factors.
There are certain factors that impact how often you should get a professional teeth cleaning with braces:
- A hereditary propensity for getting cavities easily
- Poor oral hygiene habits at home (infrequent or improper brushing/flossing)
- Eating a lot of sugary or acidic foods
- Specific medication use that causes dry mouth
- Not going in as often as needed for adjustments to orthodontic appliances
When you get an orthodontist teeth cleaning, we will clean around each component of the braces, floss carefully, and identify any areas of concern.
It’s extremely important that you still continue to go to the dentist regularly when you have braces.
What to Expect When Getting Your Teeth Cleaned with Braces
Even though you have braces, there’s nothing “special” to expect during your appointment. Just like any other teeth cleaning appointment, a dental cleaning appointment with braces on follows the same structure.
The only (minor) difference might be a bit more time in the chair, as our dental hygienist may need extra time to clean in and around your braces. This means all you have to do is sit back, relax, and breathe. Let The Super Dentists (or hygienists) take care of the rest!
Important Things to Understand About Cleaning Teeth with Braces
Let’s review a few important points about dental cleaning with braces, including how the teeth are cleaned with braces on, and some brief tips for your home routine.
How Do Dentists Clean Teeth with Braces
Do orthodontists clean teeth? What about dentists? The answer is none of the above. At The Super Dentists, we have highly trained dental hygienists to handle all teeth cleaning with braces.
Depending on the type of braces you have, the hygienist will gently wash water between your bands and teeth to remove bacteria that cause plaque and tartar. Gentle flossing is also performed so your gums stay food particle-free and clean.
Can you get your teeth clean with braces? If you visit The Super Dentists, there’s no doubt about it!
Basic Tips for a Home Routine with Braces
Here are three basic things you can do to ensure thorough dental cleaning with braces:
- Brush (and brush some more): Try to brush your teeth after every snack or meal. If that’s not possible, make sure you’re brushing at least twice per day to keep plaque at bay.
- Use specific brushes: Brushes with V-shaped heads or interdental bristles help better access tricky areas around braces.
- Don’t forget to floss. Flossing is a little tricky with braces, but it’s well worth the effort to maintain a healthy smile (even with braces on)! Insert one end of the floss between the upper part of the brace mount and gum, and gently floss back and forth. Repeat as necessary. Options like water piks are even more helpful for getting behind the brackets and in between your teeth.
- Mind your diet. Try to avoid sugary, sticky substances, as they’re breeding grounds for bacteria, plaque, and tartar. If you must indulge, a quick rinse with water will at least lessen the impact of that occasional treat until your next brush time.
- Rinse your mouth: Rinse daily with an antimicrobial mouthwash. Swishing helps dislodge particles flossing and brushing missed.
And here’s an extra tip: visit The Super Dentists for regular teeth cleanings. We’ll help ensure your teeth stay clean, even with braces on! If you have any questions, or you’re not sure you can get your teeth cleaned with braces, stop into any of our San Diego-area offices or schedule an appointment online, and we’ll take care of you!
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about cleaning teeth with braces that we haven’t covered yet.
Can I still use whitening toothpaste or strips with braces?
You may be concerned about your teeth becoming yellow when you’re wearing braces. It is common for teeth to have discolorations when braces are on because it’s difficult to brush every area of the tooth.
That said, we do not recommend using whitening toothpaste or strips with braces because this will only make the problem worse. It will lead to discoloration when the braces are removed. Just worry about practicing good dental hygiene while you have your braces on.
What should I do if a bracket or wire comes loose or breaks?
If a wire or bracket becomes loose or breaks off, you’ll want to contact us right away. Do not try to fix it yourself because you do not have the right tools and materials. You can use orthodontic wax in the meantime if something is sticking out and poking your cheeks.
How can I avoid lip and cheek irritation?
It’s normal to experience irritation when your braces are first installed. This is a feeling you’re not used to and they may rub against your cheeks and gums. You can use orthodontic wax and press it against your brackets to create a smooth barrier where your braces can glide along rather than pull on the soft tissue.
Will an orthodontist put braces on teeth with decay?
It is up to the orthodontist to decide if they will put braces on your teeth if you’re dealing with decay. It’s likely that minor cavities will not prevent you from getting braces. In fact, we can treat cavities with your braces on so it’s nothing to panic about.
Thanks for visiting The Super Dentists, Southern California’s #1 pediatric and parent dentistry and orthodontic network.