What to Expect After IV Sedation
Great job! Taking care of your child’s oral health is connected to their overall health and wellbeing and a healthy mouth will benefit them their whole life.
After treatment, parents frequently ask what they should expect and if there’s anything special they should do for their children.
Here are our recommendations for patients following any kind of dental surgery, so you’ll know what to do to make your child feel comfortable as they heal.
Immediately after surgery, your child may be biting on gauze. This is because we want them to keep pressure on the extraction site(s). Gauze also helps prevent your child from biting their cheek or tongue while the area is still numb. They could bite the inside of their mouth causing a sore and not even realize it. Keep an eye on your child for 2-3 hours or until the numbing wears off.
Anesthesia Discharge Instructions
- Continue any medications prescribed by your physician.
- Give Tylenol (Acetaminophen) or Motrin/Advil (Ibuprofen) for discomfort as necessary. We recommend Tylenol as soon as you arrive home. Our medical assistant will give you a time when you can start Ibuprofen (usually 4-5 hours after the procedure.)
- Try and give Tylenol or ibuprofen before bed to help your child’s night time comfort.
- If your child had extractions, giving Tylenol or ibuprofen in the morning after the procedure may be needed, especially if they are going to school.
- Gradually progress from clear liquids to soft foods as tolerated.
- Be careful not to bite a numb lip or tongue.
- If teeth were extracted, do not allow your child to use a straw and have them follow a soft diet for 24 hours.
- Your child should rest quietly in the care of a responsible adult today for a few hours after the procedure. Flushing or redness of the face and body may occur, and your child may experience dizziness, lightheadedness, double vision, and/or sleepiness. Young children may be irritable and restless.
- To avoid injury children will need constant attention for 3-4 hours and should not climb, ride bicycles or other riding toys for 24 hours.
- Adult patients should not drive for 24 hours.
- Most children can resume all normal activities, including school, the next day.
Notify our office if any of the following occurs:
- Temperature greater than 101.5° F
- Persistent vomiting; more than 3 or 4 times at home.
- Any unusual symptoms or problems that concern you.
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