What to Expect After Your Child’s Treatment
Great job! Taking care of your child’s oral health is connected to their overall health and wellbeing and a healthy mouth will benefit them their whole life.
After treatment, parents frequently ask what they should expect and if there’s anything special they should do for their children.
The answer is yes! We provide the following recommendations for patients following any kind of dental procedure, so you’ll know what to do to make your child feel comfortable as they heal. Immediately after surgery, your child may be biting on gauze. This is because we want them to keep pressure on the extraction site(s).
After-care Instructions
Once you get home, here is our advice regarding activity, diet, bleeding pain, and oral care. If your child suffers from heavy bleeding, severe pain or a temperature (see details below), notify our office.
- Activity: Control activity for at least two hours after extractions. Vigorous play may cause bleeding.
- Diet: Encourage cool, clear liquids and soft foods for the first day. Your child may resume a normal diet in 24 hours.
- DO NOT drink from straws.
- DO NOT vigorously rinse.
- DO NOT eat hot soups or hot liquids.
- DO NOT eat spicy foods.
Suggested Diet: Milkshakes (no straws), yogurt, eggs, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, jello, pasta, applesauce, etc.
- Bleeding: It is normal for some oozing to take place. The saliva may be pink in color. If bleeding persists, apply pressure with gauze or a wet tea bag for 30 minutes.
- If black pellets are in a place where the tooth was removed, these are to control bleeding and keep food from entering while the extraction site heals. They will shrink by themselves. It is ok if they fall out or are accidentally swallowed.
- Pain: Every patient responds to treatment differently. Usually, Tylenol for children is sufficient to manage pain. One to two tablets every four hours are recommended for children under 60 lbs. Children over 60 lbs. may take adult Tylenol. NO ASPIRIN.
- Oral Care: The teeth should be brushed normally, except in the area of the extraction. On the day after the extraction, non-vigorous rinsing may be done three times a day with warm salt water (1 teaspoon per 8 ounces of warm water).
Notify our office if any of the following occurs:
- Heavy bleeding after two hours have passed.
- Severe pain after 24 hours has passed.
- Temperature of over 101 ̊F (taken orally)
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Servicios De Anestesia
Instrucciones de Alta Anestesia
Continue con los medicamentos recetado por su Medico
Puede darle Tylenol o Motrin (ibuprofeno) para el dolor, se es necesario
Motrin (ibuprofeno) puede causar nauseas en ayunas
Si su Doctor/Dentista recomienda un medicamento mas fuerte por favor siga las instrucciones
Gradualmente empieza a introducer liquidos claros a alimentos ligeros que sean tolerables
Tener cuidado que no se muerda el labio o lengua mientras este anestesiado
No usar popotes por 24 horas, si hubo extracciones
El dia de hoy su Hijo debe de descansar e quedar bajo el cuidado de un adulto responsible.
Por algunas horas despues del procedimiento:
Enrojecimiento de cara o cuerpo puede ocurrir.
Su Hijo puede experimentar mareos, aturdimientos, doble vision, y somnolencias.
Los ninos pequenos pueden estar irritables e iniquetos.
Para evitar heridas su hijo va necesitar atencion constant durante 3-4 horas y no deberia escalar, andar en bicicleta, o montar juguetes por 24 horas.
Pacientes Adultos no deberian manejar por 24 horas
CUANDO COMUNCIARSE; Favor de Llamar la offica
Si tiene fiebre superior a 101 F (38.3 C)
Vomito Persistente; Mas de 3 o 4 veces en casa.
Cualquier sintoma o problemas no usuales que le preocupe